After our move to Everett, Tanya and I have joined the local New Life Church. It is a Foursquare Church.
It is a different church then the churches we grew up in. Certainly the size of the congregation plays a big roll in that, but also there is no membership with this congregation. The denomination had its beginnings in the pentecostal movement, and still is very much a charismatic influenced church.
We both like the sound theological and practical teaching and look forward to going to church every Sunday. It takes a long time to get to know people. We are still in that process.
I grew up in a christian home. My faith never has been challenged till my 20is.
It is rather difficult today to keep an open mind about the existence of God. A large junk of our surrounding has rejected the notion of God. And it feels more and more like an uphill battle to look at the evidence with no preconceptions. I was 10 years old when I kneeled before my savior Jesus and accepted his forgiveness and will for my live. That said, already tells that I tend to look at evidence in a faith favoring way.
I think that everything hinges around God seeking a relationship with us. In his book the Bible you'll find that declared intension of his. A healthy relationship is governed by the fact that two individuals out of free will decide to share and seeking the others favor. That entails also, this todays unpopular words, submission covenant and accountability.
Free will is only possible if there is a choice. I think that is why we won't find irrefutable evidence for his existence. An overwhelming presents of evidence, or even prove, would not give us a real choice in seeking Gods favor. But I believe, there is just the right amount ot there, for someone honestly seeking, to fall in love with his maker.
Believing in God is accepting that he is true or real. A firmly held opinion or conviction of his existence often contrary to popular opinion. Notice no prove. Though there is a assurance that transends the need for a physical prove.
After 40 years of believing i still have moments of doubt, moments were i have to look afresh at the evidence i find carved in to our planet and universe. There is a host of attributes I can find, describing the maker found in the Bible.
Here are a couple snippets that i find fascinating.